Thursday, November 21, 2019

Outski Launches 401(play) Plan to Promote Work-Life Balance

Outski Launches 401(play) Plan to Promote Work-Life Balance Outski Launches 401(play) Plan to Promote Work-Life Balance Employers benefit in several ways, such as employing employees who use most or all of their vacation time and experience reduced stress and healthier lives, leading to fewer sick days. Employees that take more vacation time also experience reduced burn-out, are more efficient, have stronger workplace morale, and are more productive.401(play) is appropriate for businesses of all sizes, and allows employees to have funds transferred directly from their paycheck into their own FDIC-insured Vacation Savings Account, or VSA.The employee enrollment process takes only a few minutes to complete. Outski provides a template containing an enrollment link that employers send to their employees, and the employer processes the employees direct deposit forms as they are returned. Employees can execute their entire travel planning process directly through the Outski website.Found er and CEO of Outski, Greg Nickolson, said, It is a significant yet easily implemented or added tool to any corporate health and wohlbefinden program or employee benefit package. It provides a measurable way for an employer to make a positive impact on the health of their employees making mental health just as important to an effective health and wellness plan as healthy eating and exercise.

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