Friday, July 31, 2020

Please join me on C4 - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

If you don't mind go along with me on C4 - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog I recently expounded on my old buddies on C4 and how theyre helping Africa by letting individuals like you and me put resources into little African organizations. They are presently moving into an open beta and are searching for additional individuals to utilize the framework. Wont you go along with me there? Ive been utilizing it for some time now and have just put resources into a gathering of 6 ladies who need to sell auto save parts and in Sulaiman Bulega (appeared in the image) who will extend the determination of office writing material in his store. The truly cool thing here isn't just that helping individuals in the third world feel extraordinary I additionally remain to get my speculations back, with intrigue. Up until this point, all the speculations on the site have been reimbursed in full, which means the default rate on the advances is lower than in banks in created countries. Its extremely easy to join the site and to utilize it yet you should put at any rate 150 Euro (around 200 USD) in your record which you can then quickly put resources into Africa. As I would like to think, THIS is the means by which we will support the third world. Not by parting with cash and help however through ventures and exchange. I ask you to join C4 read about it here and join here. A debt of gratitude is in order for visiting my blog. In case you're new here, you should look at this rundown of my 10 most well known articles. What's more, in the event that you need progressively incredible tips and thoughts you should look at our pamphlet about joy at work. It's extraordinary and it's free :- )Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Thursday, July 23, 2020

2017 OSHA Recordkeeping Update

2017 OSHA Recordkeeping Update 2017 Recordkeeping Update: What You Need to Know With all the updates to OSHA’s recordkeeping standards in the past few years, making sure your company is compliant with the latest requirements is a crucial task. Looking at the latest rule, which took effect January 1, 2017, certain employers are now required to submit their injury and illness data electronically. Although this may be a seemingly small change, since it is just making electronic the data employers already fill out, this change will no doubt improve workforce safety in three crucial ways: OSHA will be able to quickly analyze the data and be more efficient in its regional enforcement and compliance. Injury information submitted electronically will be publicly available, putting focus on unsafe workplaces. This will help job-seekers, workers, and customers make informed decisions in relation to the company they choose to work with. For companies, this will make it critical that safe work practices are followed. Requiring information in this manner will improve accuracy of the data, since the update comes with an anti-retaliation protection. Employers must inform employees of their rights when reporting any work-related injuries and illnesses free from retaliation. This protection, in effect since December 1, 2016, clarifies the reasonableness of employers’ workplace policies regarding reporting work related injuries and illnesses. Starting February 2017, there will be three options for electronic submission of injuries. Once live, this will be displayed prominently on the OSHA homepage. Employers will be able to enter the data manually in a secure web form. Employers can upload a CSV file to process single or multiple establishments at once. Employers who use automated recordkeeping systems can transmit data via an API (application programming interface). According to OSHA, this change will apply to “establishments with 250 or more employees that are currently required to keep OSHA injury and illness records, and establishments with 20-249 employees that are classified in  certain industries  with historically high rates of occupational injuries and illnesses.” Those establishments with 250 or more employees must use the electronic submission for OSHA Forms 300, 300A, and 301.* Covered establishments with an employee count from 20-249 must submit the 300A form electronically. Since January 1, 2017, the recordkeeping update is effective and will be phased in over a two-year period. All covered establishments must submit their 300A electronically by July 1, 2017. For state plans, requirements must be updated to be substantially identical to the federal requirements within 6 months from the date OSHA published the final rule. Beginning in 2019, after the two-year phase in, covered establishments will have until March 2 to submit their information. To stay up to date on OSHA compliance, check out our  OSHA Outreach courses for both construction and general industry, as well as a slew of helpful safety courses. * This does not erase the requirement to maintain records at the worksite for at least 5 years and post the summary of injury and illnesses from the previous year each February through April.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Filling in the Blanks on My Resume - CareerAlley

Filling in the Blanks on My Resume - CareerAlley We may get remuneration when you click on connections to items from our accomplices. Having a predictable business history can support work possibilities, however not every person is sufficiently fortunate to remain utilized ceaselessly since they begin working. Be that as it may, holes of joblessness on a resume are viewed as a warning by numerous businesses. In the event that you have been jobless for impressively significant stretches of time all through your vocation, you can make yourself increasingly attractive by figuring out how to fill in the spaces on your resume. Give an Honest Explanation Being jobless is not something to be embarrassed about, particularly on the off chance that you have a valid justification for it. Numerous individuals lost their positions somewhere in the range of 2009 and 2012 because of the monetary emergency, including truly able and experienced experts. On the off chance that you are one of these individuals, your questioner won't see your inability to find a new line of work during those years as a genuine defect. Be that as it may, in the event that you are jobless when the economy is blasting, it can fundamentally influence your odds of landing the position. Regardless of whether you were jobless due to a downturn, extreme disease or family obligations, you ought to give a genuine clarification in the work segment of your resume. Demonstrate Career-Related Activities during Unemployment In the event that you partook in specific exercises during joblessness that can positively affect your vocation, you ought to remember them for your resume. Instances of such exercises incorporate working low maintenance, turning into a volunteer or specialist, and going to classes, workshops or courses that are identified with your vocation. By referencing these exercises in your resume, you are telling your potential bosses that you didn't burn through your time while you were jobless and you want to develop yourself. De-Emphasize Employment Gaps In spite of the fact that you can't shroud work holes on your resume, there are things that you can do to make them less evident. Rather than posting your past employments in the customary sequential request, you can list the best accomplishments and most applicable encounters in your profession first. The organizations you worked for and the dates of business can be recorded further down the page. Another approach to de-accentuate work holes on your resume is to compose business dates in years, as opposed to months and years. For example, on the off chance that you worked for an organization between September, 2009 and February, 2010, trying to say you were utilized from 2009 to 2010 will make your resume look better. Be Positive Having business holes in your resume can cause you to feel on edge and not certain during a meeting. Rather than attempting to rationalize being jobless, you should concentrate on the experience and aptitudes that you have picked up during joblessness. At the point when the questioner requests that you clarify the holes on your resume, simply give a concise clarification and attempt to cause him or her to notice the things you have learned while you were jobless. Because of broad joblessness coming about because of the ongoing monetary downturn, many occupation searchers have holes on their resumes. Accordingly, managers will in general be increasingly merciful with work holes nowadays. You will even now have a decent potential for success of getting your fantasy work in the event that you have an uplifting disposition. About the Author: John McMalcolm is an independent essayist who composes on a wide scope of subjects, going from business tips to histories of well known business people, for example, Steve Wynn. This is a Guest post. In the event that you might want to present a visitor post to CareerAlley, if you don't mind follow these visitor post rules. Good karma in your hunt. Joey Trebif

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Sample Business Resume Secrets That No One Else Knows About

<h1> Sample Business Resume Secrets That No One Else Knows About </h1> <h2> The Unusual Secret of Sample Business Resume </h2> <p>A basic resume format will be your absolute best wager. In case you're thinking about a noteworthy activity switch, be prepared to introduce your resume a makeover. You can pick an incredible adjustable resume layout which can really control you in continue making. The primary resume format is a genuine test! </p> <p>Also, recall that there's a decent open door you resume will be filtered electronically as an expanding number of organizations use extraordinary programming to record resumes. A referral is a heavenly way to get your foot in the entryway. Verify you keep every worker on the up and up to avoid tattle and falsehood spreading in the working environment. Should you do any of these things above, you will stand out and discover the selection representative's interest.</p> <h2> The Hidden Gem of Sample Business Resume</h2> <p>Spend some time coordinating your capabilities to the activity to ensure you're including the appropriate watchword expressions and capacities. An excessive number of competitors make the mistake of including an intensive set of working responsibilities as opposed to underscoring singular commitments. Your resume should be engaged, succinct and underscore accomplishments and procedures that fit the activity which you're applying for. W hile Canadian resumes are accessible in numerous unmistakable arrangements, they share a few measures that you should think about. </p> <p>Hiring chiefs begin searching for certain data to settle on why they should enlist you or not. Managers comprehend you're deficient in experience once you initially get your degree. Examine our 8 occupation aptitudes you have to have page to discover a portion of the things which businesses are usually keeping watch for. </p> <p>The work objective is provided on the grounds that it chooses the activity restrictions of a person. Know that the goal is fundamental for all intents and purposes any business continue. From the model above, you will see that there are numerous abilities recorded. Your capacities and capabilities should coordinate the activity you're applying for. </p> <p>It is conceivable to take care of, training level, long stretches of information and more to become familiar with a perfect compensation extend before you arrange. As you begin attempting to secure positions as an educator, accept some open door to survey your objectives and methods. You didn't settle on a choice to be an educator since you wished to transform into rich, you did it as you have energy for instruction. Most instructors should list every one of their confirmations, or whenever they foresee getting them. </p> <p>You might want your manager to comprehend what you did in your earlier occupations, however you don't should fuse the kitchen sink. The worker should be the chief focal point of one on one discussions. In the absolute first screening round, the Resume gets examined in two or three minutes. You may utilize the Resume Template! </p> <p>Also, guarantee you have an expert sounding email address. A solid computerized continue is stage one, however you have to likewise make an expert on-line nearness. To put it contrastingly your resume should be all around organized and easy to find any data they are scanning for. There are a few unique types of organizations and styles, and there isn't any 1 set in stone way to deal with build your resume. </p> <p>If you don't have at least seven years of information and various employments beneath your belt, holding the archive to a solitary page is ideal. Remember the possibility of Less Is More and channel the data that you have in your activity program, just including the important specifics. Utilize the agenda to be certain you have remembered every single proper datum for your resume. You don't have to gracefully any close to home or private data on your resume. </p>

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Have Little to No Career Experience Heres How to Craft Your Resume - Walrath Recruiting, Inc.

Have Little to No Career Experience Here’s How to Craft Your Resume - Walrath Recruiting, Inc. If you’ve recently graduated from college, or have little to no career experience, job searching can be intimidating. However, there have been countless individuals that have gone through the same experience and all it takes is some preparation. Starting with your resume. Were going to share how to craft a resume without much career-related experience. Check it out. Summary: A great place to emphasize your skills related to a position is in the summary section. When you have little to no experience â€" it’s important to briefly highlight recent scholastic/volunteer/self-achievements and the skills you used during that time period. Skills: Although experience is important when it comes to getting a job, so are your skills. Start by tailoring your resume to highlight your skills that are specifically related to the position(s) you are applying to. You can review job descriptions and the requirements that are listed â€" and determine if and how your skills complement those responsibilities. An example of skills to include would be; time management, ability to work in a fast-paced environment, strong customer service skills, strong written and verbal communication skills, maybe great leadership skills, etc. Then give examples of where you adapted those skills, or at least have them readily available in case they arise during an interview. These skills can portray whether or not you would be a good fit for certain position. So don’t feel shy to list skills that you feel you possess. Education: When entering the job market having just graduated, recently gone back to school, or do not have a lot of job experience, it is important to include your education near to the top of your resume. Include things such as secondary or postgraduate education, academic projects/ course work and even certificates or classes you took relating to personal development. Career Related Experience: This section is normally where you discuss the prior roles you have had throughout your career. Even if you are just starting out in your career, you will have relevant experience that you can include. In this section, include any part-time job you have had, internships, volunteer work, academic extra-curricular experiences, etc. Long-term or short-term these can still portray the type of candidate you are or the potential you have. What are some things you focus on when writing your resume with little to no career experience? Comment below!